Organic Nutrition

As a leading provider of comprehensive crop nutrition products and solutions, we aim to tackle global challenges and create positive change.


Price: 40.000 vnđ 40.000 vnđ


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  • Ingredient
  • Uses
  • How to use

- Organic: 70%
- N - P2O5 - K2O: 4% - 2.2% - 2.5%
- Humic Acid: 3%
- Fluvic acid: 2%
- TE: Ca, Mg, S, Si, Bo, Cu, Zn,…

Use priming, root fertilizing, top dressing for all crops, helping to increase productivity and quality of agricultural products.
With an organic content of up to 85% (which is the line of fertilizer containing the highest organic content on the market today), it helps to increase soil fertility, effectively improve the soil, and return the lost organic matter to the soil. loss - This is the solution for sustainable agriculture.

- Food crops: fertilize 400 kg/ha/time, fertilize the base area before sowing (sowing) and top up the first phase.
- Vegetables, colors, flowers: fertilize 500 kg/ha/time, fertilize the base area before sowing (planting) and top up the first phase.
- Fruit trees: fertilize 1000 kg/ha/time, fertilize the root area twice/crop after pruning to create canopy at the beginning of the rainy season.
- Industrial plants: fertilize 1-2 kg/plant/time, apply at the base area at the beginning and end of the rainy season

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